Jony munoz
Jony munoz

Critically injured, Munoz was placed on a stretcher and evacuated by helicopter to a military medical facility where he later expired. A third mine was detonated when SP4 Johnny Munoz stepped from the vehicle. Shortly after, a jeep from Headquarters & Headquarters Company (HHC), 1/61, arrived on the scene. About three minutes later, one of the engineers, PFC James R.

jony munoz

The blast killed McLennan and PFC James N.

jony munoz

They had only traveled a few hundred yards when one of the soldiers, SP4 Roy D.

jony munoz

A group of about a dozen engineers and infantrymen were dismounted behind the APC as they exited the gate of FSB A-4 around 7:45 AM. An M113 armored personnel carrier (APC) accompanied the sweep.

jony munoz

The team consisted of engineers from A Company, 7th Engineer Battalion with infantrymen from B Company, 1st Battalion, 61st Infantry, 5th Infantry Division (Mechanized) providing security. On August 24, 1969, a mine sweep team departed Firebase A-4 (Con Thien) to sweep the road south to Firebase C-2 for mines.

Jony munoz